Tahajjud Namaz is Sunnah or Nafl

IS Tahajjud Namaz is Sunnah or Nafl? Tahajjud Namaz is a voluntary prayer performed after midnight and before the Fajr prayer. Muslims have been performing Tahajjud Namaz for centuries, but there has been some confusion regarding its status. Is Tahajjud Namaz considered Sunnah or Nafl? This article will explore this question and provide a comprehensive understanding of Tahajjud Namaz.

Is the introduction of Tahajjud prayer Sunnah or Nafil?

Tahajjud Namaz is a prayer that is performed in the last third of the night, after sleeping for some time. It is considered a voluntary prayer, and Muslims all over the world perform it to seek Allah’s blessings and forgiveness. Tahajjud Namaz has great significance in Islam, and it is believed that this prayer can bring a person closer to Allah.

How many rakats in Tahajjud prayer

Tahajjud Namaz is a voluntary prayer that Muslims can perform in the last third of the night. It is considered to be one of the most virtuous and rewarding prayers in Islam. While there is no set number of Rakats for Tahajjud Namaz, it is typically performed in sets of two Rakats.

Muslims can perform as many Rakats of Tahajjud as they like, but it is recommended to perform at least two Rakats, with a maximum of eight Rakats. The prayer can be performed individually or in congregation, and can be offered at any time after Isha Namaz and before Fajr Namaz.

The Tahajjud prayer is unique in that it is performed during the last third of the night, when most people are asleep. Muslims wake up in the middle of the night to offer this voluntary prayer, seeking Allah’s blessings and forgiveness.

Understanding the concept of Sunnah and Nafl

Tahajjud Namaz is Sunnah or Nafl
Tahajjud Namaz is Sunnah or Nafl

Before we dive into the question of whether Tahajjud Namaz is Sunnah or Nafl, it is essential to understand the difference between the two concepts.

Definition of Sunnah

Sunnah is the way of life prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It includes all of the actions, sayings, and silent approvals of the Prophet. Sunnah is considered the second source of Islamic law after the Quran.

Definition of Nafl

Nafl refers to voluntary acts of worship that are not mandatory in Islam. It includes all the prayers, fasts, and charities that Muslims perform in addition to their obligatory duties.

Differences between Sunnah and Nafl

The key difference between Sunnah and Nafl is that Sunnah refers to the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), whereas Nafl refers to voluntary acts of worship. Sunnah is considered more significant than Nafl because it is the way of life prescribed by the Prophet.

Is Tahajjud Namaz Sunnah or Nafl?

Now, let’s come to the question at hand, whether Tahajjud Namaz is Sunnah or Nafl. There is some debate among Islamic scholars about the status of Tahajjud Namaz.

Arguments for Tahajjud Namaz as Sunnah

Some scholars believe that Tahajjud Namaz is Sunnah because the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to perform it regularly. It is reported that he would wake up in the

middle of the night and perform Tahajjud Namaz, seeking Allah’s blessings and forgiveness. Therefore, they argue that Tahajjud Namaz is a part of the Sunnah and should be performed regularly by Muslims.

Arguments for Tahajjud Namaz as Nafl

On the other hand, some scholars believe that Tahajjud Namaz is Nafl because it is not mandatory in Islam. They argue that while the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did perform Tahajjud Namaz, it was not a part of his obligatory duties as a Muslim.

Common misconceptions about Tahajjud Namaz

There are also some common misconceptions about Tahajjud Namaz. Some people believe that it is mandatory for every Muslim to perform Tahajjud Namaz. However, this is not true. Tahajjud Namaz is a voluntary prayer and is not obligatory for Muslims.

Benefits of Tahajjud Namaz

Regardless of its status as Sunnah or Nafl, there are numerous benefits of performing Tahajjud Namaz.

Spiritual benefits

Performing Tahajjud Namaz helps Muslims to connect with Allah and seek His blessings and forgiveness. It is a time when Muslims can reflect on their actions and seek guidance from Allah.

Health benefits

Waking up in the middle of the night to perform Tahajjud Namaz can also have health benefits. It has been found to improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels.

Other benefits

Performing Tahajjud Namaz can also have other benefits, such as increasing productivity and improving overall mental health.

How to perform Tahajjud Namaz?

Now that we understand the importance and benefits of Tahajjud Namaz, let’s discuss how to perform it. SOURCE: wikihow.com

Time of Tahajjud Namaz

Tahajjud Namaz should be performed in the last third of the night, after sleeping for some time.

Method of performing Tahajjud Namaz

Tahajjud Namaz is performed in the same manner as other prayers. The only difference is that it is performed after sleeping for some time. Muslims should perform Wudu (ablution) before starting the prayer and recite the appropriate Surahs from the Quran during the prayer.

Number of Rakats in Tahajjud Namaz

The number of Rakats (cycles) in Tahajjud Namaz can vary. Some Muslims perform two Rakats, while others perform up to twelve Rakats.

if you want something pray tahajjud

“If you want something, pray Tahajjud” is a popular saying among Muslims. The saying emphasizes the importance and benefits of performing Tahajjud Namaz, which is a voluntary prayer that Muslims can perform in the last third of the night.

Tahajjud Namaz is a time when Muslims can connect with Allah and seek His blessings and forgiveness. It is a time to reflect on one’s actions and seek guidance from Allah. The prayer has numerous benefits, such as improving sleep quality, reducing stress levels, increasing productivity, and improving overall mental health.

Performing Tahajjud Namaz is not mandatory in Islam, but it is highly recommended for Muslims. It is a voluntary prayer that Muslims can perform to seek Allah’s blessings and forgiveness. Muslims should take advantage of this prayer to strengthen their faith and seek Allah’s guidance and blessings.

To perform Tahajjud Namaz, Muslims should wake up in the last third of the night, after sleeping for some time. They should perform Wudu (ablution) before starting the prayer and recite the appropriate Surahs from the Quran during the prayer. The number of Rakats (cycles) in Tahajjud Namaz can vary from two to twelve.

In conclusion, if you want something, pray Tahajjud. This popular saying emphasizes the importance and benefits of performing Tahajjud Namaz, which is a voluntary prayer that Muslims can perform to seek Allah’s blessings and forgiveness. Muslims should take advantage of this prayer to strengthen their faith and seek Allah’s guidance and blessings.

praying tahajjud for 40 days

Praying Tahajjud for 40 days is a spiritual practice that many Muslims undertake to seek Allah’s blessings and to strengthen their faith. The practice involves waking up in the last third of the night to perform Tahajjud Namaz for 40 consecutive days.

Praying Tahajjud for 40 days is believed to have numerous benefits, both spiritually and physically. The practice can improve one’s mental and emotional well-being, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity. It can also bring one closer to Allah, strengthen their faith, and increase their understanding of Islam.

To start the practice of praying Tahajjud for 40 days, Muslims should begin by setting a realistic goal and creating a plan. They should make a commitment to wake up at the same time every day for 40 days and perform Tahajjud Namaz. They should also make sure to perform Wudu before starting the prayer and recite the appropriate Surahs from the Quran during the prayer.

It is important to note that praying Tahajjud for 40 days is a voluntary act of worship and is not mandatory in Islam. Muslims should undertake the practice with the intention of seeking Allah’s blessings and strengthening their faith.

tahajjud miracles

One of the miracles associated with Tahajjud Namaz is its ability to bring one closer to Allah. Muslims who perform Tahajjud regularly often report feeling a stronger connection to Allah and an increased sense of spirituality. The prayer is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, reducing stress levels and promoting overall well-being.

Another miracle associated with Tahajjud Namaz is its ability to bring one’s prayers to Allah’s attention. Many Muslims believe that Allah is more attentive to prayers offered during Tahajjud because of the time of night and the sincerity of the worshipper. Muslims who regularly perform Tahajjud often report having their prayers answered and receiving blessings from Allah.

Performing Tahajjud Namaz can also have physical benefits. It is believed to improve the quality of sleep, promote better digestion, and reduce the risk of developing certain illnesses.


In conclusion, Tahajjud Namaz is a voluntary prayer that Muslims perform in the last third of the night. While there is some debate among scholars about its status as Sunnah or Nafl, it is clear that there are numerous benefits of performing Tahajjud Namaz. Muslims should take advantage of this prayer to seek Allah’s blessings and forgiveness.


Is Tahajjud Namaz mandatory?

No, Tahajjud Namaz is not mandatory in Islam. It is a voluntary prayer that Muslims can perform to seek Allah’s blessings and forgiveness.

How long should one pray Tahajjud?

The length of Tahajjud Namaz can vary. Some Muslims perform two Rakats, while others perform up to twelve Rakats.

Can Tahajjud be prayed after Fajr?

No, Tahajjud Namaz should be performed in the last third of the night, after sleeping for some time.

Can Tahajjud be prayed in congregation?

While Tahajjud Namaz is usually performed individually, it can also be performed in congregation.

Is it necessary to wake up at midnight for Tahajjud?

No, Muslims can perform Tahajjud Namaz at any time in the last third of the night, after sleeping for some time. It is not necessary to wake up at midnight specifically for