pray time in oldham | namaz time in oldham | salah times oldham

Namaz is the Islamic word for prayer and is performed five times a day by Muslims all over the world. The timings of Namaz are based on the position of the sun and vary from place to place. In Oldham, the United Kingdom, the prayer times are as follows: namaz time in Oldham update on 21st July 2024

  • Fajr: namaz time Oldham
  • Sunrise: namaz time Oldham
  • Dhuhr: namaz time Oldham
  • Asr: namaz time Oldham
  • Maghrib: namaz time Oldham
  • Isha: namaz time Oldham

Namaz is mandatory for all Muslims and is a way of showing their devotion to Allah. It is a way of connecting with God and seeking His guidance. Muslims can pray anywhere, but it is considered more spiritually beneficial to pray in a mosque.

The Oldham Islamic Association is located at 37 Durning Road, Oldham, OL1 2BS and is open for prayers five times a day. pray time in oldham

Oldham prayer Timetable 2022

namaz time in oldham
Virtue of prayer according to hadiths
Prayer is the path of the Prophets. A prayerful, beloved angel. Prayer is guidance, faith and light. Sustenance prayer is blessing, comfort of body, displeasure of Satan and weapon against infidels

Conditions, duties, obligations and sunnahs of prayer

namaz time in oldham east London

There are six conditions of prayer:

  1. Purity means the body and clothes of the worshiper should be clean.
  2. May the place of prayer be pure.
  3. Seventh woman means that part of the body which is obligatory to be hidden should be hidden. Seventy for a man is from the navel to the knee and for a woman the whole body except hands, feet and face is seventy.
  4. Qibla reception means face and chest should be towards Qibla.
  5. Time means praying at your own time.
  6. to intend The name of the firm intention of the heart is the intention, although it is mustahabb to say it with the tongue.

These conditions must be met before starting the prayer, otherwise, the prayer will not take place. chick prayer times London central mosque

Obligations of prayer

There are seven duties of prayer:

  1. Takbeer-e-Tahrimah means saying Allahu Akbar.
  2. Qiyam means praying while standing upright. Farz, Witr, Wajib and Sunnah Qiyam is obligatory in prayer. Without valid excuse, if one prays while sitting, it will not be performed. Staying in Nafl prayer is not obligatory.
  3. Qaraat means absolutely reading a verse. It is obligatory in the first two rak’ats of Fard and in every rak’at of Sunnah Witr and Nawafil, while the Muqtadi will not recite in any prayer.
  4. to bow
  5. to prostrate
  6. Qadaa Akhira means sitting at the end after completing the prayer.
  7. Exit by means of salutation to both sides.

If even one of these duties is left, there is no prayer, even if Sajdah is performed.

Duties of prayer

The following fourteen matters are obligatory in prayer:

  1. Reciting in the first two rak’ats of obligatory prayers (ie for the individual praying alone or for the imam in congregational prayer).
  2. Reciting Surah Fatiha in every rak’ah of all prayers except the third and fourth rak’ah of obligatory prayers.
  3. In the first two rak’ahs of the obligatory prayers and in all the rak’ahs of the wajib, sunnah and nafl prayers, reciting a surah or a large verse or three small verses after Surah Fatiha.
  4. Reciting Surah Fatiha before any other Surah.
  5. Maintaining order in reading, bowing, prostrations and rakats.
  6. To do Qumah means to rise from bowing and stand straight.
  7. Jalsa means sitting upright between the two prostrations.
  8. To perform the bowing, prostration, etc. with satisfaction.
  9. Qa’dah Awla means sitting at the level of tashahhud after two rak’ats in three or four rak’at prayers.
  10. Reciting tashahhud in both qaads.
  11. The imam’s recitation of Fajr, Maghrib, Isha, Eid, Taraweeh, and Ramadhan Witras in a loud voice and slow recitation in Zuhr and Asr prayers.
  12. Ending the prayer with peace be upon you and may God have mercy on you.
  13. Saying Takbeer for Qunut in Witr prayer and reciting Qunut supplications.
  14. Saying too many takbirs in Eid prayers.

If one of the obligations of the prayer is omitted, then the prayer will be corrected by performing the Sajdah. It is wajib to return the prayer by not performing the Sajdah and intentionally leaving it.

Listening to prayer

The things which are confirmed by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in prayer, but their emphasis is not equal to what is obligatory and obligatory, are called Sunan. Following are the Sunan in prayer:

  1. Raising both hands to the ears before saying Takbeer Tahreema.
  2. Keeping the fingers of both hands open and facing the Qibla as usual.
  3. Do not bow your head while saying Takbeer.
  4. Reciting the Takbeer of the Imam and all the takbeers of moving from one member to another in a loud voice.
  5. Place the right hand on the left hand below the navel.
  6. Reading Sanaa
  7. To seek refuge in God means to read
  8. Tasmiya means reading in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful.
  9. Reciting only Surah Fatiha in the third and fourth rak’ats of obligatory prayer.
  10. Say Amen
  11. Slow recitation of Sana, Tawz, Tasmiyyah and Amen.
  12. Reciting according to the Sunnah means reciting as much as it is Sunnah to read the Holy Quran in prayer.
  13. Reciting Tasbeeh three times in Ruku and Sajdah.
  14. Keeping the head and back in a straight line in Ruku and grasping the knees with open fingers of both hands.
  15. In the community, the imam’s tasmi’ is to say sam’Allah limn hamidah and the muqtadi’s tahmid Rabbana lak al-hamdhu and to say both the tahmid and the unique’s tahmid.
  16. While going into Sajdah, first both knees, then both hands, then the nose, then the forehead, and when standing up, do the opposite, i.e. first the forehead, then the nose, then the hands and then the knees.
  17. In Jalsa and Qa’dah, sitting on the left foot and keeping the straight leg standing in such a way that the tips of its toes are facing the Qibla and placing both hands on the thighs.
  18. In tashahhud, pointing with the index finger at Ashhad an la illa ilaha and dropping the finger on illa la ilaha.
  19. Reciting Durood-e-Ibrahimi after tashahhud in Qaada Akhira.
  20. Reciting Dua after Durood Ibrahimi.
  21. First turn to the right and then to the left.

Among these sunnahs, if any of the sunnahs is omitted or abandoned intentionally, the prayer does not break, nor is prostration obligatory, but the one who omits it intentionally is a sinner.

Mustahabat of prayer

It is recommended to include the following in prayer:

  1. Keeping an eye on the place of prostration in Qiyam
  2. Keeping an eye on the feet while bowing.
  3. Keeping an eye on the tip of the nose in Sajdah.
  4. Keep an eye on the lap while sitting.
  5. While saluting, keep an eye on the right and left shoulder.
  6. To prevent yawning, if it does not stop, cover the mouth with the right hand while standing and with the back of the left hand in other situations.
  7. Men take their hands out of their clothes for Takbeer Tahreema and women keep them inside.
  8. Trying to stop coughing.
  9. Standing of Imam and Muqtadi on Hayy Ali al-Falah.
  10. There should be a distance of at least four toes between the two feet in standing position.

Mischief of prayer

Due to some actions, the prayer is broken and it becomes necessary to return it, they are called Mufsadat-e-Namaz. The following are the actions that invalidate the prayer:

  1. Communicating in prayer.
  2. to greet
  3. Answering the greeting
  4. Moaning or saying “Uff” due to pain and suffering (but crying at the mention of heaven and hell does not invalidate the prayer).
  5. Saying Alhamdulillah when sneezing.
  6. Saying Yarhamuk Allah upon someone’s sneeze or Yadhikim Allah in response to someone.
  7. Reciting “Inna-Allah wa-naa-ilahi-ra-ji’oon” on bad news.
  8. Saying Alhamdulillah for the good news.
  9. Reading the Qur’an while watching.
  10. eating and drinking
  11. Aak al-Kathir means doing something that makes the viewer think that he is not in prayer.
  12. Giving food to someone other than his imam.
  13. Laugh with laughter.

Abominations of prayer

Due to certain matters, the prayer becomes defective, that is, the person who prays is deprived of the original reward and reward and perfection, they are called makruhat. They should be avoided. The following are the issues that make prayer abhorrent:

  1. Any act that diverts attention from Allah in prayer is makruh.
  2. Playing with beard, body or clothes.
  3. Looking around.
  4. Looking up at the sky.
  5. Placing hands on waist or hips etc.
  6. Wrapping cloth.
  7. Sadl-i-Thawb means to hang a cloth, for example, to put it on the head or shoulders in such a way that both edges hang down.
  8. Keep the sleeves above the wrist.
  9. Fingers are sticky.
  10. Praying during defecation (faeces/urine) or wind. If this situation arises during the prayer and there is time, then it is obligatory to break the prayer.
  11. Putting the knees to the chest in jalsa between Qaada or prostrations.
  12. Scratching for no reason.
  13. Covering the nose and mouth.
  14. Praying wearing a cloth that has a picture of an animal on it.
  15. Praying in front of someone’s mouth.
  16. Tie a turban or turban in such a way that the head is exposed in the middle.
  17. Abandoning an obligation, for example, not straightening the back in ruku, going to sajdah before straightening in qumah or jalsa.
  18. Reading the Holy Qur’an in a place other than staying.
  19. Ending recitation in Ruku.
  20. Praying only wearing shalwar or chador.
  21. Bowing and prostrating before the imam.
  22. Reciting the Holy Qur’an in any place other than Qiyam in prayer.
  23. Say Takbeer Tahreema while walking.
  24. The imam lengthening the prayer for the sake of a visitor without reason.
  25. Praying in front of the grave.
  26. Praying in usurped land/house/farm.
  27. Praying by wearing a cloth upside down.
  28. Praying by opening the buttons of achkan etc. while not wearing a shirt.

Excuses for breaking prayers

It is forbidden to break the prayer without an excuse, however, it is permissible to break the prayer in some situations, for example, if there is a fear of losing property, it is permissible to break the prayer, while it is obligatory to save one’s life, even if it is intended to save one’s life or the life of a Muslim. There is no need to sit down to break the prayer, but it is enough to stand and turn the salam to one side.

How can you find out the salah times for Oldham

How can you find prayer times for Oldham?
If you live in Oldham and want to find Namaz (prayer) times, there are a few ways you can do this. One way is to check prayer times on Islamic websites or the World Islamic Council website. Another way is to ask your local mosque or Islamic center.

Our website at Oldham Council provides the following prayer times for Oldham:

benefits of salat in Islam

According to this link I update the prayer time. Islamic price