desi month date today, punjabi calander | desi month date today lahore

July 27, 2024 1:10 pmdesi month date
maghar 27
آج مگھر مہینے کی27 تاریخ ہے
desi month date today

Desi Month Date Today on July 27, 2024 For the perusers that are keen on punjabi schedule and desi month date today, this article will furnish them with all the fundamental data.

The Pakistani and Indian schedule is a significant piece of Punjabi individuals and their propensities. They generally needed to realize what was the punjabi desi date today, or how it seemed to be on a specific date.

desi month date today Lahore | desi month updated on July 27, 2024 1:10 pm

According to the Punjabi nanashahi calendar (based upon Moon), the desi month date today July 27, 2024 is – maghar

desi month names | desi month date today

  •  Chet – ਚੇਤ. چیٹ
  •  Vaisakh – ਵੈਸਾਖ
  •  Jeth – ਜੇਠ . . جیٹ
  •  Harh – ਹਾੜ੍ਹ. ہاڑ
  •  Sawan – ਸਾਵਣ. ساون
  •  Bhadon – ਭਾਦੋ. بھادو
  •  Assu – ਅੱਸੂ. آسو
  •  Kattak – ਕੱਤਕ. کٹک
  •  Magghar – ਮੱਘਰ. ما گھر
  •  Poh – ਪੋਹ. پوہ
  •  Magh – ਮਾਘ. ماگھ
  •  Phagan – ਫੱਗਣ. پھگن

Punjabi schedule is one of the most antiquated schedule in the set of experiences. ‘Punjabi Schedule’ or देसी कैलेंडर is the schedule of the territory of Punjab, part of India and Pakistan moreover.

The name ‘Punjab’ is from Persian language which signifies ‘place that is known for five waterways’. These are the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej. The Persian word for date is ‘Zad Chashm’ and in Punjabi it is called ‘Zaad Purbi.’

The Punjabi schedule is a sun oriented schedule utilized by Punjabis which is utilized to decide the dates for significant Sikh days, like Vaisakhi, Diwali and Hola Mohalla.

देसी कैलेंडर that is generally trailed by the Pakistani and Indian Punjabi and Moan people group. It was created continuously of the ten Sikh Masters, Master Angad Dev Ji, in 1603 CE (1552 EP).

The ongoing Nanakshahi schedule is the most recent in the series of schedules presented by Master Nanak Dev Ji.

It was taken on by the SGPC (Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Board of trustees) in 2003 in the wake of going through Parliament. It is otherwise called Punjabi Schedule, Desi Schedule and Jantri.

Likewise read this: A Visit through Mandi Bahauddin (Three Gurdwaras and A Sanctuary)

The beginning of the Punjabi schedule isn’t clear. A few sources say it depends on the Bikrami schedule in which the dates of Sikh Masters’ introduction to the world and demise are utilized to number the years.

The schedule is followed back to bygone eras when Master Hargobind, the 6th Sikh Master, switched over completely to the Nanakshahi Schedule.

desi Date Today

The Punjabi schedule is determined from the complete snapshot of the full moon, the start of the dim fortnight. The primary month of the Punjabi schedule is Chait of the lunar and sun-based year.

The lunar year starts on Chait Sudi, and the first day of the New Year is after the new moon in Chait. The Punjabi sun-oriented New Year begins on Basant in the long stretch of Chait.

Appropriately, the period of Chait is divided between two years by which the fourteen days up to the new moon are included in the previous year and the fourteen days from the day after the new moon fall into the following year.

In any case, the seat New Year isn’t the authority Punjabi New Year however as the lunar year begins with Seat, Punjabi people verse, Barah Maha starts the lunar year with this month.

The day is considered from dawn to next dawn and for the primary day of the sun based months. The lunar part of the Punjabi schedule decides numerous Punjabi celebrations.

The Punjabi schedule depends on the planetary group and comprises of a year, 28-31 days each with 5 or 6 days added toward the end.

There are a few vital likenesses between Punjabi schedules and the Western or Gregorian schedule likewise followed by an enormous region of the planet.

There is year in Punjabi schedule. Seat is the principal month of Punjabi schedule and Phagan somewhat recently.

Month names in Punjabi Calendar | calander | desi month date today lahore

Chait, Vaisakh, Jeth, Harh, Sawan and Phagan have 31 days. The month Bhadon, Assu, Katak, Maghar, Poh and Magh month has 30 days.

Sr.MonthHindiاردوDaysJulian Months
1Vaisakhਵੈਸਾਖویساکھ3114 April – 14 May
2Jethਜੇਠجیٹھ3115 May – 14 June
3Harhਹਾੜہاڑ3115 June – 15 July
4Sawanਸਾਵਣساون3116 July – 15 August
5Bhadonਭਾਦੋਂبھادوں3016 August – 14 September
6Assuਅੱਸੂاسو3015 September – 14 October
7Katakਕੱਤਕکاتک3015 October – 13 November
8Magharਮੱਘਰمگھر3014 November – 13 December
9Pohਪੋਹپوہ3014 December – 12 January
10Maghਮਾਘماگھ3013 January – 11 February
11Phagunਫੱਗਣپھاگن30/3112 February – 13/14 March
12Chetਚੇਤچیت3114 March – 13 April

Desi month calendar 2023

Here you are told some important signs about the beginning and end of Desi months according to English months by which you can recognize this Punjabi month. Below you are provided step by step details of all the months.

Chet 2023 Calendar

The first month of the year in the desi Punjabi calendar is the month of Chat. The weather is very pleasant in this month.

Because the weather is a bit cold and a bit hot. The weather gets a little cooler at night and warmer during the day. It starts on March 14 and continues till April 14.

Chet punjabi calendar 2023

Vaisakh Calendar

The second month of the Desi calendar is the month of Vaisakh. There are 31 days in this month.

In this month, heat sets in and the wheat crop is ready for ripening and harvesting. In the English calendar, this month begins on April 14 and lasts until May 14.

jeth month

Jeth is the third month of Desi month and this month has 31 days. Summer is starting this month. This month starts from May 15 and ends on June 14.

Desi Date Today Jeth Month

Harh month

The fourth month in the desi calendar is the month of Har. This month also consists of 31 days. This month is very hot.

This month is very hot. Especially in Punjab, the heat is intense. Rice cultivation was started this month. It lasts from June 15 to July 15.

Harh Calendar 2023


The fifth month of the Desi calendar is the month of Sawan. This month also consists of 31 days. Along with the heat, there are also rains in this month, meaning this month is the rainy season. Both of them face climate change. Also, the cultivation of rice is completed this month. This month lasts from July 16 to August 15.

Sawan Calendar 2023


The sixth month of the Desi Punjabi calendar is the month of Bhadon. This month consists of 30 days. It signals the end of summer but the heat is high. Which makes the weather harsh. In the English calendar it lasts from August 16 to September 14.

Bhadon Calendar 2023


The seventh month of the Punjabi calendar is the month of Assu. There are 30 hot and cold days this month. This month starts on September 14 and ends on October 14.

Assu Calendar 2023


The month of Katak is the eighth month of the Punjabi Desi year. Winter is starting this season. In the English calendar, the month of Cuttack lasts from October 17 to November 14.

Kattak Calendar 2023


The Ninth month of Maghar consists of 30 days. This weather is very cold. This month lasts from December 14 to 13.

Public holidays 2023 Pakistan
desi month date today lahore

Poh month 2023

The tenth month is the Punjabi month of Poh month. This month is very cold and the rains are very less. There is a lot of fog and the sun is not visible for many days. This month starts from December 14th and lasts till January 12th.

Poh Calendar 2023


Magh is the eleventh month of Desi Punjabi calendar. This month also consists of 30 days. This month has winter which starts from 13th January till 11th February.

Magh Calendar 2024

Phagun month calander | desi month date today lahore

Phagan is the last and 12th month of Desi calendar. This month also has 30 days but sometimes this month consists of 31 days. This month starts on February 12 and lasts until March 13. The weather during these days is very pleasant as it is spring season. Sweet sweet is cool.

Phagun Calendar 2024

بکرمی سمّت (پنجابی کلینڈر، ہندو کلینڈر، نانک شاہی کلینڈر، دیسی مہینے)

 شمسی سال  توں پہلے برصغیر وِچّ  بِکرم تقویم ( بکرم سمّت) رائج سی، ایہہ فلکی سال (Sidereal Year) تے قمری مہینے دا سمّت ہے، قمری مہینے ہون پاروں بِکرم سمّت دے مہینیاں دا حساب اگے پچھے ہوندا رہندا ہے کیوں جے قمری سال دے ٣٥٤ دن ہن، جد کے ایس دے مہینے موسم دے حساب نال معٰنی رکھدےہَن (جُولینی تقویم  یعنی تقویمِ قیصری، جیہڑا کہ جولیئس سیزر نے  46 سال قبل مسیح متعارف کرایا سی تے نظرثانی دے بعد گریگورین کیلنڈر کہلایا وِچ 365 دن 5 گھنٹے 48 منٹ تے 46 سیکنڈ ہَن۔)۔

بِکرمی تقویم ٥٧ قبل مسیح توں شروع ہوندا ہے۔ بِکرم سمّت نوں ہندو کلینڈر وی کہیا جاندا ہے تے ایہہ اج وی شمالی، مشرقی تے گجرات بھارت وِچّ اپنی پرانی شکل وِچّ رائج ہے۔ کِتے ایہہ قمری سال ہے تے چیت مہینے توں شروع ہوندا ہے تے  شمسی سال بیساکھ مہینے  توں تے کِتے کاتک توں۔ ایہہ بکرمی تقویم برصغیر وِچّ  ورتیا جاندا سی، بعد وِچّ اسلامی تے گریگورین وی ورتے جان لگے۔

بِکرمی سمًت ١٩٦١ توں بعد اس دے مہینیاں دے حساب دے اگے پچھے ہون کارن چندرا شمشیر نے جوتشیاں دے مشورے نال تبدیلی کیتی، ہن بکرم سال وِچّ گریگورین تقویم وانگر ٣٦٥ دن ہن (  ایس مشکل نوں دیکھدے ہوئے ، گرونانک دی پیدائش 14 مارچ 1469 عیسوی  توں پنجابی کیلنڈر وی شروع کیتا گیا ہے، تے ایس دے مہینے دے ناں گروگرنتھ صاحب وِچّوں لئے گئے ہن جیہڑے کے کافی حد تک بِکرم تقویم نال ملدے جُلدے ہَن۔ )۔

پاکستان دے دیہات وِچّ وی بِکرمی تقویم ورتیا جاندا ہے۔ بِکرمی تقویم  چیت دے مہینے وِچّ نویں چَن نکلن تے شروع ہوندا ہے، تے سورج نکلن توں اگلے سورج نکلن تک اِک دن گِنیا جاندا ہے۔ دِن وِچّ اَٹھ پہر ( یعنی ٢٤ گھنٹے) ہوندے ہن۔ ہر پہر تِن گھنٹے دا ہوندا ہے۔

Different Day Times in Punjabi

Sr. No.PaharTimeVeela
1پہلا پہرصبح 6 وجے توں 9 وجے تکدھمی ویلا
2دوجا پہرصبح 9 وجے توں 12 وجے تکسویر ویلا
3تیجا پہردوپہر 12 وجے توں 3 وجے تکپیشی ویلا
4چوتھا پہردوپہر 3 وجے توں 6 وجے تکدِیگر ویلا
5پنجواں پہرشام 6 وجے توں 9 وجے تکنِیماشاں ویلا
6چھیواں پہررات 9 وجے توں 12 وجے تککُفتاں ویلا
7ستواں پہررات 12 وجے توں 3 وجے تکاَدھ رات ویلا
8اٹھواں پہرصبح 3 وجے توں 6 وجے تکسرگھی ویلا
desi month date today

 Days Name in Punjabi calendar

Sr. No.Days in Western CalendarDays in Punjabi
desi month date today

جے تُسی عیسوی (گریگورین) کلینڈر توں بِکرمی تقویم ( یا ایس توں اُلٹ) دی تاریخ جاننا چاہندے ہو تے تھلے دِتے طریقے نال  معلوم کر سکدے ہو، ہو سکدا ہے کہ اِک ادھے دن (اگے یا  پچھے) دا فرق ہووے، تسی تھلے دِتے طریقہ نال دیسی تاریخ وِچّوں نفی یا عیسوی تاریخ وِچّ جمع کر لؤ  ( یاد رہووے دیسی سال چیت دے

Festivals in Punjabi Calendar

Sr. No.FestivalMonthSolar or Lunar MonthDate
1VaisakhiVaisakhSolar1 Visakh
2Raksha BandhanSawanLunarSawan Full Moon
3Teej/TeeyanSawanLunarSawan Month/3rd day from and including new moon (dark night)
4Maghi/Makar SankrantiMaghSolar1 Magh
5Basant FestivalMaghLunar5th day from and including new moon (dark night)
6LohariPolSolarLasd day of Poh
7Holika DahanPhaganLunarPhagan Full Moon
desi month date today

Puranmashi in 2023

Purnima day is considered an auspicious day in Hindu traditions. The full moon occurs on Purnima day. In Hindu traditions, people fast on this day. People also perform pooja on this day. Hindus believe that fasting on the full moon day has many positive effects on their body, mind and spirit. This day is considered very auspicious among Hindus.

According to astrology, a person suffering from anxiety and depression is advised to fast on this full moon day and offer water to the moon.

Sr. No.Puranmashi DateDay of Week
1.6 Jan 2023Friday
2.5 Feb 2023Sunday
3.7 Mar 2023Tuesday
4.6 Apr 2023Thursday
5.5 May 2023Friday
6.4 Jun 2023Sunday
7.3 Jul 2023Monday
8.1 Aug 2023Tuesday
9.31 Aug 2023Thursday
10.29 Sep 2023Friday
11.28 Oct 2023Saturday
12.27 Nov 2023Monday
13.26 Dec 2023Tuesday
calander | desi month date today lahore

2023 Puranmashi Dates

Masya in 2023

Masya or Amavasa indicates the day of the month on which there is no moon. It is the middle of the 30 lunar phases of Indian calendars such as Bikrami Samut and Nanakshahi calendars. In some calendars, Masya is considered as the last day of the month because according to them the first day of the new moon is the first day of the month.

Sr. No.Masya DateDay of Week
1.21 Jan 2023Saturday
2.20 Feb 2023Monday
3.21 Mar 2023Tuesday
4.20 Apr 2023Thursday
5.19 May 2023Friday
6.18 Jun 2023Sunday
7.17 Jul 2023Monday
8.16 Aug 2023Wednesday
9.14-15 Sep 2023Thursday, Friday
10.14 Oct 2023Saturday
11.13 Nov 2023Monday
12.12 Dec 2023Tuesday
calander | desi month date today lahore

2023 Masya Dates

Panchami Date in 2023

According to the Hindu calendar, the fifth day is called Panchami. Panchami is a very important day in Hinduism. On this day Hindus perform some of their special rituals. Due to which this day is considered very special. Some popular Hindu festivals fall on this day, including Nag Panchami, Vivah Panchami, Rishi Panchami and Basant Panchami. The Panchami 2023 dates are given below.

1.7 JanuaryFriday
2.5 FebruarySaturday
3.7 MarchMonday
4.6 AprilWednesday
5.6 MayFriday
6.4 JuneSaturday
7.4 JulyMonday
8.2 AugustTuesday
9.1 SeptemberThursday
10.30 SeptemberFriday
11.29 OctoberSaturday
12.28 NovemberMonday
13.27 DecemberTuesday
calander | desi month date today lahore